Thursday, January 29, 2015

Todo por el Medio Ambiente
       Pam, les explica a nuestros alumnos  el procedimiento  para efectuar las plantaciones de manera correcta.

      El Profesor Javier;  aplicando lo aprendido…. 

Por supuesto el  Jefe de UTP y la Coordinadora no quisieron quedarse atrás….

   Nuestras alumnas, disfrutaron de la Actividad.

         Linda Experiencia para todos.....Hermoso Día.... Gracias Kenny y Pam.

Marcela Torres Romero
Coordinadora Campus Huertos
Colegio Concepción San Pedro.

Coastal Roots

Yesterday, we had a different and fun day. We went near the Bonnet Carre Spillway. Professor Pam Blanchard from LSU is in charge of this program and we have planted in Chile before. The kids and teachers planted more than 220 trees. Here are some pictures!

Macarena Yacoman

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

An amazing experience

Hi my name is Paula Chaparro Alarcón, I'm from Chile, am 17 years old and I'm staying with the Sternberg family.
When I arrived last Friday I was really excited about meeting Hallie's family and they received me with a nice dinner and lot of love, so I felt welcoming at their house.
On Saturday, in the morning Mrs. Sternberg took Hallie and me to met, Mike the tiger, the pet of LSU, and then we went to a restaurant for lunch and we ordered "PoBoys" a really tasty sandwich I never tried before, on the afternoon we had a bbq at Sternberg family house, with all the chilean students and their host families, we had a great time together, we ate yummy food, we met each other, talked and even learned new dances, we taught the Americans how to dance "cueca" and they taught us how to dance "footloose". We had a lot of fun that day.
The next day I went with Emma's mother and Javiera to the dance convention "Hollywood Vibe" and I had a wonderful time, watching really talented dancers and even I had the opportunity of take a picture with one of my favorite dancers Allison Holker. I'm really thankful Emma and her mom, if they read this... THANKS!!!:)
On Monday we went to the Misisipi bridge to paint some of the pylons of the bridge and then we went to the Rosedown Plantation, there we had the opportunity of walk through a nice place, take photos and also visit a interesting museum.
Tuesday and Wensday we went to school to normal classes, I was following Azha, she is really nice person, she explained to me how the classes work, because the system is different from Chile. I love the classes here I went to ballet, chemistry, spanish and others more.
On Thrusday we went to EHS and then took a bus to LSU, there the student from Lab school joined us, and we had a tour through the most important buildings of LSU. One of the most interesting parts of the tour was the habitat of Mike, the tiger, there we met his veterinarian, and he told us how they take care of Mike. Then we went to the environment and coast department of LSU and we visited some cool labs there (my favorite part of the tour).
After we finished the tour around LSU, we went to the Governor’s Mansion, through this beautiful building we also had a tour, and we buy some ornaments and ate yummy cookies. Then we visited the Capital Building, there we visited to the governor office and other important places inside the building, including the 27th floor, where we could see all Baton Rouge from the top of the building.

So far this trip has been one of the best experience i had in my life, get to know many new people, learn more English, visit so many places and watch a culture completely different from ours from inside is something amazing and rare, I think we are lucky to had this opportunity, and I am sure all the Chileans know that, and we will try to enjoy every moment we spent here.

Chilean students presentation

Hi, This morning at announcements, our Chilean students Camila, Paula, Ignacia and Constanza gave a presentation on typical chilean food and dance. After that, Lucas and Paula danced our national dance "Cueca". I want to thank everyone at Episcopal for giving us the opportunity to show you a little bit of Chile and I want to congratulate my chilean students for giving such a wonderful performance!

Chilean group at Episcopal

Esta maniana, los alumnos chilenos Camila, Paula, Ignacia y Constanza hicieron una presentacion sobre comida y bailes tipicos de nuestro pais. Luego Lucas y Paula bailaron nuestro baile nacional "Cueca". Gracias  Episcopal por darnos la oportunidad de mostrar algo de Chile y felicitaciones a nuestros alumnos por esta maravillosa presentacion

Macarena Yacoman

Hi  , Mi nombre es Javiera Caamaño. Estos ultimos dias he conocido la distinta cultura que tienen aca y a mi Familia que la verdad es muy parecida a la mia, es super entretenido ver que no hablan el mismo idioma que tuyo y que tienen otras costumbres. Esta experiencia sera por mucho tiempo una de las mejores ! tener el privilegio de poder realizar este viaje es una gran oportunidad! (este es el momento en que agradezco a mis padres por el viaje!!!!!! los amo)

Acerca de mi viaje! : Hemos ido con el grupo a distintas partes, conocimos una platacion de algodon, tambien fuimos a LSU (vimos a mike el tigre <3<3)
                                                                     capitolio (abajo unas imagenes)

(la imagen de arriba muestra es en el capitolio desde el piso 27)       

 en la oficina del gobernador

en la casa del gobernador :D

 Ayer fuimos a New orleans y pasamos por dos museos, ahi van algunas fotos de los museos y despues de esa actividad fuimos a ver a los Pelicans(representantes de New orleans en la NBA) y las fotos hablan por si sola! espero que estos ultimos dias seguir viendo cosas increibles :D

Hola ,soy Ulises Toledo y les contare mi experiencia en usa, con el grupo hemos hecho muchas cosas interesantes fuimos  a una plantacion,a LSU, al Capitolio, a New Orleans y a ver un partido de los pelicans, mi familia me ha tratatado muy bien y  me han invitado a muchas partes como el barrio frances o el false river. La comida aca es deliciosa y muy abundante, me encanta .

El colegio es muy grande y elegante  .Infraestructura,comida clases todo muy agradable y a los chilenos nos han tratado muy bien. Walker mi guia, a que tengo que seguir a sus clases me ha tratado muy bien y muy comprensivo ya que me cuesta el ingles.

En fin me encanta la experiencia y volveria de nuevo .
HOLA! mi nombre es Pablo Cavieres

Bueno, este viaje ha sido muy entretenido, conociendo la cultura estadounidense, su comida, y aprendiendo mas ingles.
Ayer fuimos a presenciar un partido de la NBA, el cual todo el espectaculo, fue genial.
Mi familia anfitriona ha sido excelente conmigo, muy amables, siempre preocupados de si necesito algo.
Lo que me ha sorprendido es que los gringos hacen mucho deporte pero a la vez comen mucho, por lo menos en mi colegio (Episcopal).
He visto tanto basketball ya me quedo gustando jajaja.
Tambien tenemos mucho que aprender del sistema educativo estadounidense, por algo este pais funciona, siguen reglas, son muy ordenados, hay buen ambiente en las salas de clase y un sin fin de cosas que en Chile no hay.
Espero seguir disfrutando este viaje porque quizas sea la primera y ultima vez que venga a EEUU.